Life is a gift, life is an adventure.

Thank you so much again for visiting, I am so excited you're here!

I'll be honest, I almost deleted this site! Multiple times I threw my hands up in the air and quite literally felt overwhelmed. The world kept saying to choose one niche. I tried to do that, but it didn't feel right. How could I just show portrait photography, when I knew I could serve others in other creative ways too?

To make it short, after five years of creating & re-creating this site time and time again, I am embracing my belief that we all can find joy in embracing our many passions.

In anything I offer, my greatest desire is to be surrounded with good company (queue the addition of "& co.") and I believe that it takes a community to experience life to it's fullest. That's why I am here and that's why I'll continue to share new and exciting outlets with you on this site!

If you're ready, I aM!
Let's Make amazing memories.

Hi there, I'm Bri!

Hello again! My name is Bri and I am a multi-passionate photographer, a lifelong learner, and a dreamer 24/7. I am based out of friendly Minnesota, married to my best friend, Joey, and living with our new baby boy, and the sweetest rescue pup, Beans (think coffee beans)!

I believe everyone has a story they were meant to share.

In helping me determine where I should focus my creativity, I followed advice I heard from a workshop. The presenter said, "Think about when you were young: 3, 5, 9, etc. What did you LOVE to do? What did you imagine being when you grew up? (Pause.) Now, that is most likely what you should be doing today."

This made me smile and laugh (and get a tinge of anxiety) because as a child, I loved a lot of things. I loved pretending I was a dancer around the world, I loved pretending to work at a computer desk (quite literally I would pretend to have people call me and ask where the best place for x was), and I always loved photography (I always captured the photos at family events and later would spend hours scrapbooking to show the story just right). So there it was. To put it simply: I have and always will love learning, planning, traveling and meeting new people! The cherry on top is being able to share ideas and experiences with others.

So Brianna Mae Photography expanded to Brianna Mae & Co. so I can serve others in all these areas. We all have so much to share with the world and I truly hope the stories, images and life adventures on my site can help guide you in sharing and creating your story as well. If I can ever be of help, please shoot me a message - it would be an honor to meet you! 

I stand for:

Protecting our earth and each other, self discovery (Enneagram anyone?!), authentic conversations, embracing life's adventures... and a whole lot of cookie dough!


Allowing others to feel stuck (if you can dream it, you can make it happen!).


Hanging out with my husband (Joey!), researching our next trip, and trying new restaurants around town with our friends and family!

daily rituals

A strong cup of Nespresso coffee, daydreaming about my next adventure!





Schitt's Creek (on repeat)

a Nespresso coffee!

... new finds on my Kindle

cookie dough!



my Spotify playlists

Current favorite this way →

My Favorite Things

Photographing amazing people and places! Connecting with others and sharing stories brings me so much joy.


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Traveling! We took our first trip to Europe in 2019 at last! Below is a favorite from Santorini.

My husband, Joey! He is my rock and amazing at researching all the places to travel. 

My Favorite Things

Pure Barre & Peloton!


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I love Flowers! My favorite flowers are Proteas and Dahlias! I wish I could have them on my desk all the time.

My family! They are the absolute best!

This      That











night owl





Where I stand on the super important stuff... Agree / Disagree? 

"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears."

Nelson Mandela

Favorite quote:

Okay, I don't think anything can beat free dessert... but, I will always aim to send you something sweet. Once a month you'll receive my monthly newsletter summarizing new content on the blog and any upcoming photography session opportunities!

Subscribe to stay in touch!

Better than free dessert!

email Bri

I'd love to chat! Please reach out and let me know how I can be of help!

Interested in Connecting?